about shooting

Shooting is a collective group of competitive and recreational sporting activities involving proficiency tests of accuracy, precision and speed in shooting, using various types of ranged weapons, mainly referring to man-portable guns (firearms and airguns, in forms such as handguns, rifles and shotguns).

Different disciplines of shooting sports can be categorized by equipment, shooting distances, targets, time limits and degrees of athleticism involved. Shooting sports may involve both team and individual competition, and team performance is usually assessed by summing the scores of the individual team members.

Due to the noise of shooting and the high (and often lethal) impact energy of the projectiles, shooting sports are typically conducted at either designated permanent shooting ranges or temporary shooting fields in the area away from settlements.


  • It is an injury free sport.
  • There is no age limit applicable to candidates.
  • Multiple problem-solving activities involving logic, creative thinking, etc. are employed to succeed in sports shooting thereby, developing the concentration levels of the candidates.
  • Sports shooting can act as stress buster by relaxing mind & building mental discipline
  • This sport builds discipline and patience which are an important key to success. Increased strength, improved stamina, elevated hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills are few of the physical disciplines acquired in the shooting sport.


Approximately 6000 shooters from age 10 to 70 years participated in the National Shooting Champianships in this year. Not a single stray incident was reported, this is a testimony for how serious the safety of shooters are considered.Safe gun handling is the first and most important rule in all Shooting Sports. We train young trainees to not only hit the target, but also keep up the discipline and ensure that safety is maintained.
The following are strictly followed to ensure the safety of the trainees:

  • The trainees will be allowed into the shooting range only in the presence of the coach or trainer.
  • All applicants are to go through Basic Safety Introductory Course mandatory, on which they will be assessed, at the end of the course, before being enrolled into the coaching program.
  • All shooters will only be taught to how to safely handle the air weapons at the beginning and live shooting will only be introduced if the coach deems the student ready.
  • Live shooting will only be done in the physical presence of the coach under strict supervision.
  • Shooters must only shoot forward direction, in the assigned lane, and at the assigned target and nothing else.
  • All non-shooters must wait in the assigned staging area. Non shooters are prohibited from stepping onto the firing line with active shooters.
  • Proper care is given during introduction and individual attention is given to supervise all safety norms are followed for safe shooting environment.